
Become Masterful Communicator

We promise the opportunity to become a masterful communicator with friends, family, and yourself.

Since the Wisdom of the Whole coach training focuses on embracing multiple perspectives and understanding the interconnection of all things, the new skills you learn end up affecting your personal life in many positive ways. Our program can help you to listen deeply and acknowledge new perspectives coming from within you and from the loved ones around you. Click on any of the below statements to learn more of what we are talking about.

At Wisdom of the Whole, we don’t just look at our training as a coaching method, we see it as a movement! This course is based on a solid foundation for how individuals, systems, and cultures change. You will learn how to use authentic communication to connect more deeply with the people around you, and feel like you are making a difference.

The knowledge and skills gleaned from the Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy’s coaching training program can be applied to professional and personal relationships of any kind. Graduates from this unique coach training often feel as though their lives have changed as a result of the program, and use their integral coaching skills for authentic and heart centered communication with family and friends…in addition to clients and work colleagues.

One of the most challenging aspects of our fast paced world is that we have trouble getting our lives attuned to our true hopes and desires and needs for personal self-care. In these times when the outside world is so out of balance, Wisdom of the Whole coaching gives you the tools to look at your life holistically and gain clear inner knowledge that gears your activities toward a balance that is personally right for you.

As we have stated before, we don’t think this is only a coaching method, we think this is a movement! Wisdom of the Whole coaching looks at the whole picture, teaches the value of moving out of silos and into collaboration, knitting the parts together and seeing how everything in our global community is interwoven. Whether you are working in healthcare, business, education, etc., we invite you to be a part of this movement toward authentic communication, learning and growth, accessing all parts of self, and considering one another in our actions, and perspectives.

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